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Frequently Asked Questions

A Useful Guide

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What separates Ivy League Prep from all the other SAT test prep companies out there? 
Here’s the scoop: it doesn’t matter where you go to school, if you don’t know how to work with yourself. If you can work with yourself, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. At Ivy League Prep, we don't just help you raise your score. We give you tools for life to create resilient, independent, and process-oriented learners.  

What is the secret sauce?  

There is no secret sauce! 


Why should I choose Ivy League Prep?

I am deeply invested in this work. I want to help you. It is important that I make things as clear and simple as possible, so that we can make space for the learning to take place. I am an incredibly positive and warm learning mentor who your child can bring any question or issue to, so you can get more sleep at night knowing that your child has the support they need and deserve! I am extremely nuanced in how I listen and engage my student.


My students consistently see big and small (nuance is what we are seeking here!) changes alike not only in their scores, but also in their self-awareness, their confidence as a test-taker and lifelong learner, etc.


Many of my students are long-term regulars, who stay on with me past standardized test prep through the college application process. 


So how will you help me or my child?
As a teacher, I value accountability, curiosity, and the process. 
As students and test-takers, we have habits, patterns & behaviors that are either supporting our growth or getting in the way. I work with my students very closely as we hold up a mirror to their current habits and assumptions. My student naturally becomes much more invested and curious in the experience of taking the test. They develop a strong toolkit, internal and external resources, that often massively accelerates and deepens their learning process. This work that we do often produces excellent results and always produces more independent, process-oriented, and resilient learners. 
What do your services include? 
ISEE, SAT, ACT test prep. Long-term academic mentorship & private English/math tutoring. Personal statement & essay consultant for college applications. If you have special circumstances or are seeking help for other subjects, feel free to email and ask. 
Are all of your classes online?
My clients hail from California to Chicago to South Carolina. I offer online sessions via Zoom. 

If you are based in NY, there is an opportunity for in-person 1:1 sessions or in-person group classes. Contact me for more information. 
Why is your rate so high? 
My rate is a reflection of my years of professional experience as a teacher, my credentials, and the value and quality of work I bring to my students. I am very invested in this work. I prefer high-quality experiences with fewer students, rather than lower-quality experiences with more students. 
How did you do on the SAT?
I scored a 2380 on my first (& only) SAT in March of my junior year of high school with perfect reading and writing scores, and 1 question wrong on the math section.
What is your teaching style?
Student-centered. Process-oriented. Warm & direct. Engaging and efficient. Intuitive, empathetic and incisive.  
What does a typical session with you entail? 
In every session, I work by asking questions. I ask my student to take accountability from the very beginning with me, by articulating their step-by-step process of answering the test questions. I listen very carefully and depending on what I hear, I may give them direct feedback, invite them to observe my personal step-by-step process, provide them with necessary formulas/rules, and field any questions they have. After every single question, I will ask: What surprised you here? What did you learn from this question that you can bring forward with you? I meet every student where they are and I listen as often and as intentionally as I speak. I help my students refine their way of thinking and working with themselves.

Is once a week or twice a week ideal for standardized test prep?
My professional recommendation is 2 90-minute sessions per week for students who are looking for support in all sections: reading, writing, math -- and in the case of the ACT -- science. Consistent, regular touchpoints are key to creating learning momentum and meaningful progress. 

The tests are physically and mentally challenging. Top test-takers maintain focus and flexibility across a span of 3-4 hours. In the case of students with special accommodations, test day might last 6-8 hours. It's clear: stamina is key. In an age where attention spans are decreasing drastically, 90-minute sessions (with a short 5-min break at the 45 minute marker) help students build stamina for deep learning and reflection

My child needs support in reading, writing, and math. Do you cover all the sections? 
I majored in English, but I absolutely love and excel at teaching math. I am passionate about dispelling the myth that you're either "a math person" or you're not. I took Calculus III in high school. I may not have pursued it as a career, but (joke incoming): I did win the North American/Canada Kumon Math Challenge in fourth grade. And that's got to mean something. 
Do you offer group classes, workshops, seminars for students? 
If you are interested, please fill out this form here. Receiving these emails helps me gauge demand and bring a classroom of appropriate subject matter and size together. If you have family or friends who would want to take a group class or workshop, feel free to mention this in the email. 

Do you have a score improvement guarantee? 

Every student comes with a very unique set of circumstances: their initial scores, which sections they need help with, their schedule, their goal score, prep time, work ethic, home life, executive functioning skills, etc. As a small business owner who works with a wide variety of students, it may not be very practical or applicable. Also, my belief is that the most productive learning takes place when the student learns to take responsibility for their own learning experience.

What is your cancellation and refund policy? 
For private tutoring/coaching, I have a standard 24-hour cancellation policy. Please contact me at least 24 hours before your session to cancel your session and receive a refund. I do not offer refunds when clients reach out within this 24-hour window, as I have already set aside time in my schedule for you. Without this policy, I would be flooded with constant rescheduling requests and an inability to fill that slot in time. I respect your time. Please respect mine. We reserve the right to discontinue the client relationship at any time if we feel these policies have not been respected. 
Group classes have their unique cancellation and refund policy, because of the nature of the offering. 
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