Core Values
1. Sustainability.
We are committed to cultivating independent and resilient individuals who possess lifelong learning skills, rather than those who excel academically and then experience burnout. We firmly believe in the importance of consistency over the long term, while also being recognized for delivering outstanding outcomes within a short period. Above all, our institution seeks to foster a passion for learning among our students, as we consider it to be fundamental driver of success.
2. Process-oriented.
We recognize that it can feel scary to incorporate "process" into your studies or test prep journey: after all, we want you to get that A in history class or that perfect score on the SAT too! We believe, however, that by shifting focus to the means whereby, rather than the end-goal, students will naturally experience the joy and satisfaction of a positive outcome. By chunking up the learning process and customizing that process to each student's unique preferences, the outcome will naturally come as a byproduct of working efficiently. Process-oriented learners are more likely to succeed in the classroom, the workplace, and on stage. They are less likely to experience burnout, anxiety, frustration across the course of their lives.
3. Curiosity over judgment.
Our students learn from day 1 that curiosity is more effective than judgment. Asking questions about our process while suspending negative self-talk creates a more joyful and neutral learning experience. Leading with curiosity creates the possibility for change and encourages flexibility.
3. Sense of the whole.
We value the whole child, the whole experience. We believe in full integration. Ex: standardized tests are not just a "brain-bound" experience, but also a test of physical stamina. Taking care to rest, hydrate, fuel up with nutritious foods are all part of what it means to perform under high stakes.
4. Deep practice.
Sure, you can take 99 practice tests. Or you can take 10 and approach each experience with intention and mindfulness. Through targeted, error-focused practice, you can make big strides in a surprisingly short time. Don’t be a hamster on a wheel! Be the hamster who knows better and asks questions.
5. Open-mindedness and mental flexibility.
Identifying habits and assumptions is our bread and butter. Observing oneself in order to improve and refine one's process requires open-mindedness, transparency, and the willingness to be proved wrong through experience. Our students are confident and balanced. We encourage strong opinions alongside a steady, healthy skepticism: could it be possible that I am wrong? Is there something I've overlooked?
6. Positive reinforcement.
A vital part of learning to work with oneself is creating a system of positive reinforcement for touching the mat: showing up to session, completing homework and reflection exercises. Rewarding oneself after the fact is part of the whole experience. When students learn this, they are much more willing to engage and get started. 5.
7. Self-advocacy.
We empower our students to advocate for themselves and their needs in any room. We listen to our students when they speak about their experiences in and out of the classroom, and model self-advocacy for them so that it becomes a practice. Students who can advocate for themselves are more confident and effective learners.